Below the available MMS API status codes, their corresponding status text and descriptions, are detailed:
0: Connection error
This indicates a connection error with the MMS Relay/Server.
1000: Success
The request completed successfully.
1100: Partial success
Only some parts of the request were completed successfully. (e.g. some for a multi-recipient message some destinations could not be resolved). Please note, multiple recipients are not currently supported.
2000: Client error
MM7 Client made an invalid request.
2001: Operation restricted
Your Account does not have permission to use this feature.
2002: Address Error
The formatting of one or more of the addresses was not valid (should be MSISDN or email address).
2003: Address Not Found
The address supplied in the request could not be located by Access Manager. This code is returned when an operation is requested on a previously submitted message and Access Manager cannot find the message for the address specified.
2004: Multimedia
The server could not parse the MIME content that was attached to the SOAP message and indicated by the content element or the content size or media type was unacceptable. Additionally, it may be a content type not allowed by Access Manager.
2005: Message ID Not found
Returned when an operation is requested on a previously submitted message which cannot be found.
2006: LinkedID not found
This code is returned when a LinkedID was supplied and Access Manager could not find the related message.
2007: Message format corrupt
An element value format is inappropriate or incorrect.
2008: Application ID not found
Your MM7 credentials are not valid.
2009: Reply Application ID not found
This code is returned when a Reply Application ID was supplied and Access Manager could not find the originating application.
3000: Server Error
Access Manager does not support this operation on multiple recipients. The operation MAY be resubmitted as multiple single recipient operations.
3001: Not Possible
The request could not be carried out because it is not possible. This code is normally used as a result of a cancel or status query on a message that is no longer available for cancel or status query. Access Manager has recognised the message in question, but it cannot fulfil the request because the message is already complete or the status is no longer available.
3002: Message Rejected
Server could not complete the service requested.
3003: Multiple addresses not supported
Access Manager does not support this operation on multiple recipients. The operation MAY be resubmitted as multiple single recipient operations.
3004: Application Addressing not supported
Recipient MMS User Agent does not support the transport of application data.
4000: General service error
The requested service cannot be fulfilled.
4001: Improper identification
Identification header of the request does not uniquely identify the client (either the VASP or MMS Relay/Server).
4002: Unsupported version
The version indicated by the MM7 Version element is not supported.
4003: Unsupported operation
The server does not support the request indicated by the MessageType element in the header of the message.
4004: Validation error
The SOAP and XML structures could not be parsed, mandatory fields are missing, or the message format is not compatible with the format specified. Details field may specify the parsing error that caused this status.
4005: Service error
The operation caused a failure within Access Manager and should not be resent.
4006: Service unavailable
This indication may be sent by the server when service is temporarily unavailable, e.g. when the server is busy.
4007: Service denied
The client does not have permission or funds to perform the requested operation.
4008: Application denied
The application does not have permission or funds to perform the requested operation.
If you are unable to resolve your MMS API error with the above details, please contact our friendly customer support team for further assistance: